
Trick Up your Sleeve
Young professionals on the go don’t lug around laptop bags; they sleeve it. Laptop bags were all the rage when you had to carry around your thick laptop along with a brick-sized battery adapter to juice it up. A bulky...
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Wrapping Your Apples in Leather
We’ve crafted something special for every Apple in your arsenal. The Apple Universe is more like a blackhole - it sucks you in, hard. Buy one Apple product and suddenly, your cupboard is stocked with white high-grade cardboard boxes and...
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Ultimate gift guide for father’s day
Fathers have given us so much throughout life that we don’t know how to thank them for it. They have pampered us, spoilt us and loved us all year round. Every father’s day there is confusion about what is the ideal...
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Diaper Bag | A Review by Katie Frances
Whether it's a newborn baby or a toddler, as a mother, you can never be too prepared. Food, toys, diapers, change of clothes, your baby can need anything, anytime. And there is one thing which becomes your most important companion...
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